About us
Rechtswinkel Eindhoven was established to provide accessible legal assistance, advice and information to those in the greater Eindhoven region that lack access or the means to access it. We operate with the vision that any person with a legal problem, regardless of his or her financial and/or social standing, can apply for expert legal assistance.
The Rechtswinkel operates in the first-tier of the subsidized legal assistance system. This tier is a broad, easily accessible measure designed for citizens with legal questions or disputes, which they can access free of charge for information, clarification of questions or advice.
Our work to achieve our mission and vision are guided by the following core values:
- Customer oriented: we are committed to helping our clients and place their needs in the heart of our organization.
- Commitment: we are committed to our clients and can empathize with their situation.
- Accessible: our services are free of cost and available to anyone who requires them.
- Quality: we strive for the best quality for our clients.
- Reliability: clients can trust us as we perform our work with the greatest diligence.
- Independence: we operate solely in the interest of our clients.
Our organization
Based on the intake form that you fill out prior to the interview with our advisors, we will determine which advisor is best equipped to provide you with support. The chosen advisors will in many cases have previous experience through comparable cases where they have been confronted with similar problems. Therefore they will be able to offer more adequate solutions.
Our management team
Jenna Kuipers – General Manager
Ties Oosterman – Team Manager (Tuesday)
Bart Vermeulen – Team Manager (Thursday)
Contact: management@rechtswinkeleindhoven.org
The board
Daniëlle van Hout – Chairman of the Board
Lyra Hoeben – Secretary
Linn Robben – Treasurer
Lonneke van Veldhoven – Board Member (Communication)
Lex Gijsen – Board Member (Staff)
Contact: bestuur@rechtswinkeleindhoven.org